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2024 March 15 — Why Now?
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Iditarod 2024 – Day 13

Iditarod 2024 MapSled DogAfter race officials discussed his lack of progress with him, Sean Williams (27) scratched at Elim.

Standings at 8:30PM CDT (5:30PM AKDT):
Finished at Nome
11 Wally Robinson (39)
12 Nicolas Petit (17)
13 Matthew Failor (31)
14 Ryan Redington (21)
15 Josi Thyr (22)R
16 Jason Mackey (19)
17 Bailey Vitello (32)
18 Gabe Dunham (24)R
19 Jessica Klejka (8)
20 Mats Pettersson (5)
21 Anna Berington (2)
22 Will Rhodes (4)R
23 Lara Kittelson (36)R
24 Anna Hennessy (25)R
25 Benjamin Good (33)R
26 Lauro Eklund (13)R

Beyond Safety
27 Jeff Reid (35)R
28 Severin Cathry (30)R
29 Joshua Robbins (11)RΦ
[continued below the fold] [

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