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Does The Stupid Never End? — Why Now?
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Does The Stupid Never End?

Time magazine covers more of the idiocy in the Senate: After Obama’s Speech, It’s Back to Wooing the Skeptics

… The controversy over Republican Rep. Joe Wilson’s shouting out “You Lie!” at the President over his claim that illegal immigrants wouldn’t benefit from health-care reform apparently sparked some reconsideration of the relevant language. “We really thought we’d resolved this question of people who are here illegally, but as we reflected on the President’s speech last night we wanted to go back and drill down again,” said Senator Kent Conrad, one of the Democrats in the talks after a meeting Thursday morning. [Senator Max] Baucus later that afternoon said the group would put in a proof of citizenship requirement to participate in the new health exchange — a move likely to inflame the left.

What would make anyone believe that there is anyway of accommodating the whackos? These complaints have nothing to do with reality, or the bills going through Congress, it is demagoguery, plain and simple The simple-minded Democrats in the Senate finance committee are just wasting time trying to deal with these non-issues. If the President of the United States can’t convince them he is a citizen of the this county, what sort of proof would be acceptable?

Once they have finished off that bit of nonsense, the same crew of EEG flatliners has decided they should tackle the “problem” of malpractice.

I guess no one has told them that 38 of the 50 states have already passed tort reform laws, and it hasn’t saved a nickel. The hot spot for medical costs is in Texas, which has had a tort reform law for years. The problem isn’t defensive medicine, it’s greed. It is also a state issue, and there had better be a compelling reason for the Federal government to start messing around with it.


1 Kryten42 { 09.11.09 at 11:36 pm }

I’m still hoping to see that bright yellow Vogon ship one day, preferably real soon. Yeah… that hyperspace bypass is looking like a better idea every day.

*sigh* “I have this terrible pain in all the diodes down my right side.”

Just call me Marvin. 😉 😆

So hey… We need to invent a new word for these creatures. They are less American than any *illegal* alien. ‘Total, complete and utter retarded morons’ whilst descriptive, is a bit of a mouth full. and the acronym doesn’t really cut it. I am proud to say that I helped create the word that became a well known bloggers term (or more accurately, a concatenation of two words) to describe the right back in ’04 of “f*cktard”. But we need something better. A bullet in the head for each of them is my personal preference. Quick, simple, effective, and sweet. *shrug* but, it’s not up to me. 😈

Just my 2c FWIW!

2 hipparchia { 09.11.09 at 11:55 pm }


you filed to warn me that that link went to something penned by jay newton-small. you’re right about the never-ending stupid in congress, but reading jay makes my teeth hurt.
.-= last blog ..Irony deficiency, bumper sticker edition =-.

3 Bryan { 09.12.09 at 12:01 am }

I truly object to the fact that my taxes are paying these people and providing them with generous benefits and they can’t be trusted to peel potatoes without destroying the kitchen. They should be cleaning the dust out of the holes in acoustic tile, or cutting grass with a ruler and blunt-nosed scissors, something at least marginally useful rather than screwing up the lives of 300 million people.

There have been times during this mess when I would have cheerfully built a beacon to help the Vogons find the place.

At that joint session of Congress there were 537 of the most worthless human beings on the planet. They should have sealed the doors and protected the rest of us from their “wisdom”.

At least under your system you can hope for a snap election to clean house, but we are stuck with them for 2 to 6 years.

4 Bryan { 09.12.09 at 12:10 am }

You should have known it was garbage. It was Time and the last line of the quote was gratuitous trashing of liberals.

You don’t honestly expect me to remember the names, or otherwise note the presence of media clowns.

5 hipparchia { 09.12.09 at 12:43 am }

sigh… each of them annoys me in their own special way. you are correct. it’s a waste of perfectly good brain cells and the glucose molecules it takes to fuel them to try to remember any these clowns.
.-= last blog ..Irony deficiency, bumper sticker edition =-.

6 John B. { 09.12.09 at 1:49 am }

Baucus and Conrad are snatching defeat from the jaws of victory, as so many Dems often do. It’s likely they were spooked politically by the Wilson uproar, since both hail from small cowboy states where The Stupid are almost as influential as in South Carolina.

Even so, I think this is a grotesque miscalculation on their part. It will only serve to encourage more attacks on Obama. As Digby says, it clears the way for The Stupids, now, to shout “Hitler, Hitler, Hitler” every time Obama shows his face in public.

I despair. The Democratic Party always has been an ugly coalition of right-and-left, liberal-and-reactionary, equality advocates- and- segregationists. But without a rational Republican Party with a substantial progressive wing on the other side, the nation’s electorate is left with no real choice. Can’t abide the modern Know-Nothings, and Democratic Party leaders perceive (Obama included, I am now convinced) that there is no political benefit for them in listening to the Left. After all, where else are we gonna go?

History suggests a third party has no real chance of gaining ascendance as a national party, except in unique times when the nation confronted enormously divisive issues such as slavery and civil war. Far more likely to succeed is an ideological realignment where, for example, Democrats slowly become the party of conservatives and the Republican Party returns to its historic, progressive roots.

But I see no one in the GOP positioned, or even desiring, to drag it away from the abyss into which it is now staring. And no one, or at least no one I know, has the least interest in spending his life going from one tea bagger meeting to the next, converting the Dummies into educated, reality-based thinkers.

I’m almost ready to run a white flag up the pole and surrender to the United Corporations of America, the financing arm of both political parties.

7 cookie jill { 09.12.09 at 9:51 am }

You are right, Bryan. It is the greed. But that, here in the Corporate States of America, is “good.”
.-= last blog ..The Great American Dine-Out is coming =-.

8 Bryan { 09.12.09 at 4:13 pm }

There is a lot shorter list of sane, and intelligent people. Most of the media includes all the same “dog whistle” phrases and distortions.

It’s like the people seriously bringing up statements about the Hedgemony lying about the evidence on Iraq made by Congresscritters being the equivalent of what the dillweed for South Carolina yelled during a joint session of Congress. There is no mention of the fact that the excuses for the Iraq invasion were lies, while the bills currently under consideration specifically do not permit payments to undocumented immigrants.

The reality, Hipparchia, is that the only dependable sources of news about the United States are all from media organizations outside of the United States. It is pathetic that I am more likely to read balanced reporting on the US government in Izvestia, than the New York Times.

9 Bryan { 09.12.09 at 4:29 pm }

Actually, John, the people of their states support health care reform, but they don’t have the money to make the political contributions required to get the attention of their Senators. Like most incumbents they keep getting re-elected because of the myth of the power of seniority. Seniority is good for the individual, but not so much for their states.

They are encouraging this crap. They are rewarding bad behavior which is a terrible way to train a dog, or raise children, so it should definitely be off limits for lower forms of life, like Congresscritters.

They are listening to the people who voted for them and supported them, only to the incredibly stupid outbursts from people who have no intention of voting for anything. They only way you can get the attention of the White House is by opposing it, which is exactly what the progressives in the House should do. Nothing coming from the Senate is going to be worth squat, and things are not going to get fixed in reconciliation.

There are now a number of people who suspect that this entire charade is to provide cover for screwing around with Medicare, and not in a good way, but in a way that will reward the same bad actors that have created the current mess.

It’s time for a Liberal Party, and let the centrists fade into the sands of time.

10 Bryan { 09.12.09 at 4:32 pm }

Jill, until Congress deals effectively with corporations, nothing is going to change. There have to be real penalties for bad actions, not fines that have a minor effect on the profits for a single quarter.

11 Kryten42 { 09.12.09 at 8:04 pm }

You are welcome to have our ‘Liberal Party’! Hell… you already have one of it’s strongest supporters, Murdoch. You may as well have the rest of the gang. I’d be happy to send them in a container tomorrow. 😈

until Congress deals effectively with corporations, nothing is going to change.
Hallelujah brother! 😉

The only problem with that, is of course, that the congresscritters are employed by those companies. and they will never bite the hand that truly feeds them. 🙂 Only the people can make a change, and they won’t. *shrug*

12 Bryan { 09.12.09 at 8:42 pm }

Your version of a Liberal Party is a bit different than in the rest of the world, in that it’s conservative. Supposedly speaking the same language does have its drawbacks.

We don’t have a true “Labour Party” base in the US, especially since they started outsourcing all of the manufacturing jobs which has wiped out several major unions. [a feature, not a bug]

If people don’t start throwing out the corporate stooges, nothing can possibly change. As long as the same crooks keep getting re-elected, and then gain seniority power, the system can’t be fixed.

13 Badtux { 09.14.09 at 12:52 pm }

As I keep pointing out, every one of those bastards in Congress is there because someone voted for him or her. We have nobody to blame but ourselves if we keep voting for the best-marketed candidate rather than the candidate who is best for America and Americans. And if you doubt we vote for the best-marketed candidate… Barack Obama’s campaign was all about the corporate branding of the Obama product, the actual substance of his campaign was incidental to the selling of Obama as a brand, just like selling toothpaste. I voted for the hobbit from Cleveland in the primary even though he had “officially” left the race by that time (but was still on my ballot so WTF), simply because I refuse to vote for a brand.

But the sheeple just keep eating it up and bending over as they get serviced up the rear by the people they elect and shout “give me more, sir!”. Talk about your idiocracy…

– Badtux the Pessimistic Penguin

14 Bryan { 09.14.09 at 2:09 pm }

Badtux, it is has been more than a decade since anyone I have voted for actually won any office. I watched a lot of supposedly serious, intelligent people jump on the Obama bandwagon without even looking at the corporate decals plastered all over it. I’m not a forgive and forget kind of person, and those people will never be trusted again because their judgment is obviously fatally flawed.

I don’t expect candidates to match every position I take, but they have to have a real reason, other than personal enrichment, for opposing things I support.