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How Bad Will It Get? — Why Now?
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How Bad Will It Get?

The BBC chronicles the stupidity: Abbas breaks contact with Israel

Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas has suspended contact with Israel in protest at an assault on Gaza which has killed about 100 people, an aide says.

The suspension came amid demonstrations in Gaza and fresh clashes with Israeli troops in the West Bank.

Israeli PM Ehud Olmert vowed to carry on the assault, which came in response to militant rocket attacks on Israel.

Olmert wins nothing. He is a disaster for Israelis and is doing real damage to the country’s military with his refusal to deal with reality. If he keeps this up, the other Arab countries will be forced by their populations to respond. The Knesset had better do something quickly to end this, or there will be a major war in the region and not just an intifada which Olmert’s actions have certainly guaranteed.


1 Badtux { 03.03.08 at 7:14 pm }

Meanwhile Hamas creates conditions for Olmert to respond to, rather than vice-versa. That’s no way to win *anything*.

2 Bryan { 03.03.08 at 7:38 pm }

I’m getting decidedly pissed off with all of the chest-pounding and poo-slinging that’s going on, in this situation and in South America. You have to wonder if there’s some secret law requiring leaders to be juvenile jerks who never got over middle school.

Two-thirds of Israelis say they want peace, but they don’t vote for people who will do anything about achieving it, and the same goes for the Palestinians.

Some days I think humans deserve the effects of global climate change.

3 Kryten42 { 03.03.08 at 8:50 pm }

Some days I think humans deserve the effects of global climate change.

What a coincidence. I think that a lot these days.

Agree with the rest of your comment and post also.

4 hipparchia { 03.03.08 at 9:53 pm }

Some days I think humans deserve the effects of global climate change.

of course they do. it’s the critters who don’t deserve climate change. and pollution.

5 Bryan { 03.03.08 at 10:39 pm }

The “critters” are the innocent bystanders in the dangerous delusions of humans. We are preparing a place for the cockroach to rule the planet and are running out of time to stop the trend.

6 LadyMin { 03.04.08 at 2:10 pm }

Speaking of planetary destruction… I saw a great show on The History Channel called Life After People. Interestingly, they discussed the survival of the cockroach. They will only rule the warm climates. Once humans are gone, their heat and food source will disappear, and they will die out in the north.

7 Bryan { 03.04.08 at 4:52 pm }

You realize that that information does not exactly make me feel bad. They already “rule” too much of Florida, but then Florida will probably be under water, so they’ll have to go home to Alabama and Georgia.