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The Legislature Is In Session — Why Now?
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The Legislature Is In Session

The sixty days of madness that is the annual session of the Florida legislature has begun. If you aren’t a corporate lobbyist you must live in fear and trepidation of the “sausage” that gets produced.

Thanks to the recession, the burst housing bubble, the collapsed tourism market, and the weather and disease related problems in agriculture, they are starting out with a projected $3.5 billion shortfall. I’m guessing that the real number that will be reported near the end of the session is more in the $5 to $6 billion range. Anything that is not directly related to a business lobbyist is up for slashing, as most of these clowns are running for office in the Fall.

Naturally the rest of the planet will be entertained by the “family values” bills that attempt to incorporate evangelical doctrine into the laws of Florida and new tax cuts to prove how “fiscally responsible” these clowns are. It is going to be another disaster so keep your head down if you live in the Sunshine State.


1 Mustang Bobby { 03.06.08 at 1:32 pm }

Not to mention the interminable list of “specialty” license plates like the aforementioned “Confederate Heritage” and, for all we know, “Left-Handed People for the Metric System,” yet they can’t figure out how to pay for public schools.

Isn’t it amazing that Jeb! left office with very high approval ratings, telling everyone the state was in great shape, only to find out a year later that we have no money.

2 Bryan { 03.06.08 at 3:31 pm }

We must be careful, for saying we have no money might be interpreted as a balanced budget, whereas we have major debts; they just reduced the amount of money available to local governments via the property tax; and our investment capital was severely reduced by obviously risky mortgage derivative investments. In other words, like his brother, he left us with a deficit.

3 25 Stories to Read at Florida Progressive Coalition Blog { 03.10.08 at 3:56 pm }

[…] Watch: Flablog – Bad ideas, Why Now? – The Legislature Is In Session, FPC (Ray Seaman) – HB 3, Blast Off! – Governing Florida’s […]