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The Party’s Over — Why Now?
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The Party’s Over

The BBC reports: Florida ditches new primary plan

Supporters of Mr Obama had opposed re-staging the primary.

Mr Obama expressed concern over whether a Florida postal vote could be held with fairness and accuracy if it was organised at such short notice. But had said his campaign would “abide by whatever the DNC decides”.

Mrs Clinton had called for the primary to be run again or the January results honoured.

The DNC had said it would not support the plan unless both Mr Obama and Mrs Clinton backed it.

So no vote is much fairer than any vote that might help someone other than himself according to Mr. Obama.

Should Mr. Obama win the nomination, I wouldn’t suggest he come to Florida – he won’t be welcome. I would also suggest that the title of this post reflects the attitude of many progressives in the state with regard to the national party, and wouldn’t be surprised to see some of the current Democrats become independents to keep their seats.

The donkey has become a jackass.


1 Steve Bates { 03.18.08 at 1:30 am }

The DNC seems to think this is a matter in which it has complete control. It is wrong about that. I cannot possibly be the only Democrat in a state other than Florida and Michigan who feels so strongly about the wrongness of this action that he is contemplating whether he belongs in the Party, and whether his state may someday be faced with similarly arbitrary rulings from the DNC.

I’ve been a Democrat for at least six presidential election cycles, possibly as many as eight. I’ve never voted for a Republican presidential candidate; I voted for Democratic candidates even before I joined the Party. For about 10 years, I did active work in local Democratic campaigns and clubs. I would think the Party high muck-a-mucks would think long and hard before they alienated people like me just because… well, I was going to offer a reason, but I believe the decision to hammer us down is an unreasoning decision. If the DNC allows the nation’s progressives to fall into disarray, they are damned fools… and we are probably doomed eventually to fall under permanent authoritarian rule.

2 hipparchia { 03.18.08 at 1:39 am }

more than a few times over the years, i’ve considered registering as a republican, just so i can vote in all their primaries.

i was reading the newsweek interview with ralph nader. i didn’t really care for him in 2000, but he’s pretty much saying all the things that the democrats should be saying. i’m still opposed to a florida re-vote, but i admit i was kind of looking forward to writing in nader if they went ahead with it.

3 Bryan { 03.18.08 at 11:01 am }

The people at the top have caught “Dubya disease” – they are the “deciders” and everyone needs to shut up and follow orders. They had this election won until they started playing fast and loose with the rules.

Giving “campaign consultants” who never seem to win jobs in the national party is a lousy idea. Most parliamentarians at local Rotary Clubs could make more reasoned decisions, because they would enforce the rules, not “interpret” them.

4 andante { 03.18.08 at 8:42 pm }

Sorry you didn’t get invited to the party, but you wanna talk disenfranchisement?

I can’t recall when MY primary vote has ever mattered, held as it is after the race is already decided. As far as North Carolinians are concerned, it’s just a bit of expensive frou-frou.

But I cannot for the life of me understand or sympathize with anyone willing to stand aside and allow what will basically be a third term for Dubya.

5 Suburban Guerrilla » Blog Archive » The Party’s Over { 03.18.08 at 9:16 pm }

[…] activists in Florida are so angry over the primary fight, they’re talking about leaving the party. [Via […]

6 Bryan { 03.18.08 at 9:33 pm }

My primary votes in New York and California and Florida never really made any difference, but it was my vote, and it was counted.

This year my vote is not going to be counted and the Democratic National Committee assisted the Republicans in Florida by suppressing voting in the primary, and, as a result, there will major cuts in school funding and local governments.

The three candidates left in the race are all Republicans, no matter what party they claim to be part of, and there aren’t going to be any changes. Look at what happened in Congress. Where were the changes?

It doesn’t really make any difference who gets elected, the government will still not work and still won’t listen to what people want.

I’m tired of listening to lies and misinformation being spread by people who are supposed to be on my side. I’m tired of the ignorance and spite. I’m tired of the politics as usual. Most of all all, I’m tired of Democrats helping the Republicans destroy the state I live in.

If they don’t want to win, I can’t force them to, so I’m not going to try.