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A Better Way — Why Now?
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A Better Way

So, while the Shrubbery is interfering with search and recovery operations in Houston so he can pretend he cares and show up for photo ops with first responders the second in the line to the British throne is planning on doing something useful.

The BBC reports William to train as rescue pilot

Prince William is to train as a full-time pilot with the RAF Search and Rescue Force, Clarence House has said.

William, who learned to fly with the RAF earlier this year, said he wanted to “serve operationally”.

The prince is an officer in the Household Cavalry Regiment and has also spent time with the Navy and Army.

He said he wanted to build on his experience “especially because, for good reasons, I was not able to deploy to Afghanistan this year”.

He added: “It has been a real privilege to have spent the past year understanding and experiencing all aspects of the British Armed Forces.

“I now want to build on the experience and training I have received to serve operationally.”

William undertook a shortened training course – less than four months compared with the usual four years – and was awarded his wings by his father Prince Charles in April.

So, if Prince William shows up at a disaster scene it will be to save lives, not to shut down all aerial operations in the area, as occurs when the Shrubbery drops by.


1 Kryten42 { 09.15.08 at 10:23 pm }

Amazing, isn’t it. 🙂

What was that about *putting your money where your mouth is?* or *leading by example?*

What a difference. Bushmoron has a 20mile no-fly zone around him, *WITHIN* The USA (PMSL), and keep everyone as far away from himself as possible, and the bonny young prince wants to go out in harms way and help people.

Hey… can America elect Prince William? What a nice change that would be. Not that he’d want the job, he’s too smart. 🙂

2 Bryan { 09.15.08 at 10:47 pm }

I figure he realizes that his “real job” is a long way into the future, and he is looking for something to do while waiting. The Army won’t let him do what he is trained for, so the RAF beckons. His brother is regular Army, and his uncle retired as a Navy chopper pilot. Flying SAR missions is a worthwhile goal.

The bloody Shrubbery couldn’t even show up for his make-work job as a fighter pilot, and now he runs around in terror no matter where he is.

It’s pretty damn pathetic.