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After the Overture — Why Now?
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After the Overture

There are a lot of overtures performed for operas, etc. that are rarely heard anymore. The composers threw their best ideas into the overture and had little left for the main performance.

Vaara talks about the Iraqi elections in a post titled Aftermath and wonders what comes next.

We know that Iraqi went to the polls, but what were they really voting for, or against? There were dozens of parties running, but most were identified only by a number, and the people on the list of candidates represented by that number were anonymous.

When the smoke clears, what happens if the parties receiving the most votes get together and decide that the foreign military has to go and sign an agreement with Iran to provide security and rebuild the Iraqi army? What if the winning party is actually a Ba’athist front calling itself party 117 which pardons Saddam and makes him President again?

We have been discussing the merits of the “overture” for so long that people haven’t bothered to look at the main body of the work. The curtain goes up in about a week, so there’s plenty of time to visit the concession stand before the performance begins.