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2005 February 02 — Why Now?
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The Kurdish Motif

Kurdish Flag

TV New Zealand carries this report titled: Kurds push for independence.

Kurdish self-rule is inevitable if not imminent, a Kurdish leader said after Kurds in northern Iraq voted almost unanimously for independence in an informal referendum held last weekend.

“When the right time comes it will become a reality,” said Masoud Barzani, head of one of the two main Kurdish factions which control Iraq’s northern Kurdish zone.

“Self-determination is the natural right of our people, and they have the right to express their desires.”

Of course, the Turks may not see things that way and could send several divisions across the border to emphasize their point of view that Kurds don’t really need their own country, but should be satisfied being a minority in other countries.

February 2, 2005   Comments Off on The Kurdish Motif

Robust Nuclear Earth Penetrator

According to a report on Australian Broadcasting: Pentagon wants bunker-buster funds back.

The Bush administration has stated that no existing weapon in the Pentagon’s arsenal is capable of destroying deeply buried targets such as underground bunkers containing chemical, biological and perhaps nuclear weapons or military command and control facilities.

Well, except for the BLU-113 Bunker Buster that was used in Gulf War I. I realize it will only penetrate 20 feet of reinforced concrete or 100 feet of dirt, but every bunker needs an entrance to the surface. If you seal the entrance whatever is in the bunker is useless.

If you would really like an idea of what a bad idea this is: the funding was removed by a Republican controlled Congress.

Not convinced? Take six spikes out to your yard with a hammer. The rule is you can only hit each spike once. Drive in the first spike, then put the tip of the second spike on the head of the first spike and drive it. Continue until you run out of spikes. Carefully dig along the side of the spikes to see how straight the spikes are.

Multiple explosions to drive the warhead deeper with each explosion, a concept by someone who has never dug in a garden. There is almost no possibility that the weapon will continue on a designed path after it enters the dirt.

February 2, 2005   Comments Off on Robust Nuclear Earth Penetrator


This is my only post about Michael Jackson. I don’t understand why people want to talk about him.

February 2, 2005   Comments Off on Nevermore