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2005 February 15 — Why Now?
On-line Opinion Magazine…OK, it's a blog
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Cognitive Dissonance

The Missile Defense System has failed again, but it wasn’t the same failure as the last time. Last time it failed because the fault-tolerance on the missile wasn’t “tolerant” enough, so they lowered the bar. This time the ground support equipment failed. The only thing that seems to work is the target missile. I hope that the fact that the US is skilled at throwing “skeet” makes the $8.8 billion worth it for those who back this joke. Remember: it would only cost $1 billion to update the Hubble telescope, something that actually works.

A small reminder to one and all: “Gannon” is about White House security and the professionalism of the White House press corps. An unqualified individual was given access to one of the nation’s most secure locations. Everything else is a distraction from the real problem.

According to an NPR report, a federal appeals court has ruled that Matthew Cooper of Time and Judith Miller of the New York Times have to talk to a federal grand jury or go to jail. The case will be appealed to the Supreme Court.

A small suggestion to journalists: you would have more gravitas if you occasionally used information from people who have names and are willing allow you to use them. Background is nice, but where is the foreground?

A prominent politician was killed by a roadside bomb, and the blame is being placed on a foreign government with a military presence in the country.

The country is Lebanon, and the country being blamed is Syria. The US has recalled its ambassador to Syria for “consultation”. At this point no one really knows much about the incident, but a lack of facts hasn’t stopped Bush before.

I see. When it happens in Lebanon, it is the fault of a foreign military presence, but not in Iraq.

February 15, 2005   Comments Off on Cognitive Dissonance