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2005 February 05 — Why Now?
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Let the Obfuscation Begin

Everyone is probably aware of the Busheviks’ path to the Weapons Of Mass Destruction Related Program Activities – [Insert your favorite term of derision here.]

It would appear that they are at it again: private accounts begat personal accounts which begat Personal Security Investment Accounts.

Kevin Drum noticed Faux’s Brit Hume using this euphemism during an attempt to smear Senator Harry Reid. Hume was trying to convince people that the Clinton administration proposal to invest part of the Social Security Trust Fund in the stock market was the same as the Bush plan.

The Republicans blocked Clinton’s plan, claiming it would involve the government in the stock market, which is exactly what Bush’s mutual fund plan will do. The difference being that Clinton didn’t intend to pay huge fees. I would also note that with the market returns that people were getting under Clinton, his plan might have eliminated any problems possibly resulting in a reduction of withholding taxes on wages.

February 5, 2005   Comments Off on Let the Obfuscation Begin