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We Are Terrorists? — Why Now?
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We Are Terrorists?

Digby has an interesting post on attempts to label liberals as supporters of terrorists.

I have a few questions:

Who were the liberals that gave chemical and biological weapons to Saddam Hussein?
Who were the liberals that sold weapons to the government of Ayatollah Khomeini?
Who were the liberals that opposed going after bin Laden following the bombing of the USS Cole?
Who were the liberals that ignored warnings and eliminated the FBI counter-terrorism budget on September 10, 2001?
Who were the liberals that ignored over 50 warnings to the FAA about the possibility of a hijacking and suicide mission in 2001?
Who were the liberals that advocated abandoning the hunt for Osama bin Laden to attack Iraq?
Who were the liberals that exposed a CIA operative?
Who were the liberals that turned down three plans to eliminate Abu Musab al-Zarqawi before the Iraq invasion?
Who were the liberals that made killing American troops easier by failing to provide body and vehicle armor?

The liberals haven’t been making the decisions and spending the money. If the right doesn’t like getting blamed for the messes they create, they need to tuck tail and crawl back into their holes.