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A Fair Use? — Why Now?
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A Fair Use?

The swashblogging Scaramouche has a look at USA Next and commits blatant journalism by back tracing the groups and people behind this effort.

He also has the ad up that USA Next intended to use to attack AARP.

You may be aware that the ad disappeared rather precipitously, which was explained as part of the plan by USA Next: the ad was designed to cause the liberals to overreact.

Except that Steve Gilliard reports that one of the individuals shown in the ad was annoyed by the use of his picture.

Apparently USA Next used a photograph of a gay wedding that was copyrighted by a newspaper, without permission.

The newspaper is unhappy; the people in the photo are unhappy; USA Next is in a bit of legal trouble.

This is an amateur mistake. You can do almost anything to politicians, but regular people have rights and crossing newspapers is a really bad idea.