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Wildfire In … — Why Now?
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Wildfire In …

FireAustralia, of course. Mother Nature really has it in for the “Land Down Under” and doesn’t want to leave any state in peace. Apparently Tropical Cyclone Bianca’s fading to a low before landfall wasn’t enough for Western Australian, so the ABC reports that Strong winds hamper Perth fire fight

Strong winds are hampering efforts to fight a fierce fire burning in Perth’s north-eastern suburbs.

The blaze at Red Hill has burnt through 750 hectares since it started last night.

Gusts of up to 75 kilometres an hour are fuelling the flames, as 150 firefighters work to protect homes in Baskerville, Brigadoon, Millendon and Herne Hill.

About 20 properties are under immediate threat.

Les Hayter from the Fire and Emergency Services Authority says strong winds are fanning the blaze and making life difficult for firefighters.

“It’s probably the biggest factor in this fire and has been since the start,” he said.

The winds have also forced water bombing aircraft out of the sky, but helicopters are still dumping water on the blaze.

They are even having rain in the Outback of the Northern Territory near Alice Springs as a result of the remnant low from Yasi, but the flood threats in Victoria are easing up a bit.


1 ellroon { 02.05.11 at 11:08 pm }

Good grief. Poor Australia…. although I think we’re all in for it these next few years…

2 Bryan { 02.05.11 at 11:53 pm }

California has the earthquakes as a replacement for tropical cyclones, but it has had all of the other disasters that have been testing Australia, even the eucalyptus fires [down in San Diego].

No one is certain what the “new normal” will be, but steady rain in Alice Springs sure isn’t the “old normal”.