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Bloggy Meta Stuff — Why Now?
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Bloggy Meta Stuff

Regular sled dog commenter Juanita has been occupied with something else during the Quest: Puppies and More Puppies [Youtube video links].

Kryten came through the storms in Victoria a little worse for wear, and will have to move again as a result of damage to the house he was moving into, so he is still without a regular ‘Net connection, and will likely be using the $5/hour kiosk time for work rather than commentary.

Victoria remains soggy, and the rains continue, but not as bad. Some areas received their annual rainfalls in two days. The vineyards have gone from problems with drought conditions to floods in one season.

The news is much better for Rook, who has managed to find a full-time position in his field, rather than working multiple part-time jobs. It’s nice to know someone can find work in this economy.


1 hipparchia { 02.12.11 at 10:45 pm }

puppies!!!! awwwww….

poor kryten! what a bummer! i lost a bunch of books to hurricane damage [can’t even remember which hurricane], but i’ve [so far] never lost a house [or apartment].

congratuations, rook!

2 Bryan { 02.13.11 at 12:26 am }

If Rook would stop losing my sign in, I would have congratulated him at his place.

At least he probably wasn’t totally unpacked, so the second move will be a bit easier, and the new place is suppose to be on high ground.

I think the puppies are primarily hounds, but they are definitely more fun than television.

3 cookiejill { 02.13.11 at 11:17 am }

Sending warm, dry thoughts of good luck to Kryten. Congrats to Rook…

4 Steve Bates { 02.13.11 at 6:17 pm }

Best of luck to Kryten. As the saying goes, if it weren’t for bad luck, he wouldn’t have any luck at all. Let’s hope that changes, starting immediately. And congrats and best wishes to Rook… I can’t even remember what it feels like to have a job in my field.

5 Bryan { 02.13.11 at 8:08 pm }

When one in four new college graduates can’t find work, it obviously isn’t a problem that can be solved by training. We know what worked, but the White House refuses to do it. They would rather believe in the myth of Reagan than the reality of FDR.

6 Steve Bates { 02.13.11 at 10:52 pm }

Bryan, I never volunteered to become a living disproof of Duffy’s ideology, but that seems to be exactly what is happening. I never had a huge number of clients… fewer than a dozen over my approximately 20-year contracting career… but one or more of them always had plenty of work for me until the GeeDubya era changed everything. Now, of course, my training and experience mean nothing in the balance against my status as an elderly cripple.

Obama is showing himself more every day to be a Republ()an. And he appears not to have read the history of the Hoover and FDR administrations. Bend over, everyone; here it comes again…

7 Bryan { 02.13.11 at 11:41 pm }

The problem, Steve, is that, at the same time we are being told that we have the wrong skill set, and that is why we can’t find work, you have large corporations saying that there must be more H1B visas because there aren’t enough Americans to fill IT openings. Amazing how that works.

Corporations don’t want to pay people what they are worth, and with the various foreign worker programs that Congress has created for them, they don’t have to. Why ship the jobs to India, when you can ship India to the jobs?

8 hipparchia { 02.14.11 at 9:27 am }

Why ship the jobs to India, when you can ship India to the jobs?

lol! but it’s still cheaper to ship jobs to india, so we’re doing a lot of both.

9 Steve Bates { 02.14.11 at 11:52 am }

One of my last interviews was in an office that employed three programmers already. Two were visibly Indian; the third was visibly Chinese. American citizens, perhaps? Maybe, but somehow I doubt it. I was happy not to get the position because two of the three programmers, apparently by mutual agreement, smoked in the office… yes, that’s illegal in Houston.

10 Bryan { 02.14.11 at 2:36 pm }

IT shops know that code created in Asia is copied and shared almost immediately, in some cases before the “home office” sees it, and some forms of software can’t, legally, be shipped out of the US, so they have Asian programmers pay their own way to the US to get jobs at migrant labor wages. They can’t complain or they will be deported.

They don’t want anyone with “rights” working for them.