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The Ig Nobels Are Awarded — Why Now?
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The Ig Nobels Are Awarded

The Journal of Improbable Research awarded the 2011 Ig Nobel Prizes tonight at Harvard. The BBC covered the event: Beetle’s beer bottle sex wins Ig Nobel Prize.

As strange as some of these projects are, some are actually serious science [well, not the mayor of Vilnius having cars run over with a tank, or the whackos who keep predicting the end of the world].


1 Steve Bates { 09.30.11 at 12:15 am }

Whatever happened to the Journal of Irreproducible Results? I have a bound volume of that, several decades old, that I purchased at a garage sale.

2 Bryan { 09.30.11 at 9:51 am }

I haven’t heard of that one. Sounds like something the climate change deniers and big PHARMA would bury to avoid questions.

3 Norman Sperling { 10.04.11 at 3:41 pm }

The Journal of Irreproducible Results, founded 1955, still thrives. Find it at http://www.jir.com.

4 Bryan { 10.04.11 at 4:52 pm }

Thank you for the information.

5 Steve Bates { 10.04.11 at 10:23 pm }

My thanks as well, Mr. Sperling. I have spent some pleasant hours reading through that volume!