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A Note To Local Candidates — Why Now?
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A Note To Local Candidates

Here’s the deal: I live in a specific voting precinct. That precinct is located in specific districts for county, state, and Federal officials. If someone is running in a different district, I don’t get to vote for them. This is why you have to notify the Supervisor of Elections when you move.

The thing is, if you are trying to convince me that you are going to be really careful with public funds, why are you wasting your campaign funds sending flyers to people who can’t vote for you?

When you get the mailing list from the Supervisor of Elections officer I’m certain that the number of the precinct is included, and it is simple to find out what precincts are in the district of the office for which you are running, so why aren’t you limiting your mailing to those precincts?

I have flyers for candidates from every county commission district except the one that represents me. They are all telling be they are small business owners who know the value of money and will fight ‘wasteful’ spending, as they waste money sending me an expensive four-color, glossy card stock flyer.