The M$M Really Sucks
So during my usual scan of media sites today I was looking for Curiosity coverage. The “Tech” stories at CNN really stood out, and not in a good way:
- Meet ‘Mohawk Guy,’ Mars landing star
- Gaming creates fame and ‘addiction’
- 5 warning signs of gaming addiction
- Is ‘gaming addiction’ a real disorder?
- How to become a pro at ‘StarCraft II’
- The best nonhuman Twitter feeds
- Apparently This Matters: Phelps, Phish
We safely land a vehicle the size of a compact car, crammed with scientific instruments to explore another planet, and all CNN notices is a guy with an unusual haircut‽ The only other reference on the front page was a link to an opinion piece asking the burning question: “Is science ‘cool’. now?”
Fortunately the BBC, even with the Olympics going on, and even though it is primarily a US mission, has a nice long, link-rich article. Without the BBC, CBC, and ABC [Australia] I wouldn’t know we still do science in the US, because the US media doesn’t report on it.
Kudos to CNN for it’s top flight coverage… almost as good as NBC’s coverage of the Olympic Opening Ceremony?
or the internet coverage of the American rower showing his ahem pleasure at winning a medal?
I hate trying to watch international sports on US media. There are a lot of sports at which the US sucks, and yet you are forced to watch bad US teams while the real games involving people who know how to play them never get screen time.
The other problem is that the US media thinks that real fans care what commentators think more than what is happening on the field. If that was the case, what’s the point of even bothering with the matches, just have the commentators talk.
NBC has been showing the games in the US on a delayed basis, but they obviously didn’t watch the tape before they broadcast it or they wouldn’t have screwed it up so badly. The people who are really interested already know the results before NBC shows the event. It’s stupid.