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Another Passage To The Bridge — Why Now?
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Another Passage To The Bridge

Elayne had to report that Datsa has passed.

Datsa, for those who don’t know, was a venerable tuxedo that has been featured on Elayne’s for as long as there has been cat blogging. Like any cat approaching his second decade, he had medical issues, but they had been stabilized.

It is sad when they have to go, but they know when it’s time, and you have to respect their comfort and dignity.


1 Elayne Riggs { 08.28.12 at 9:58 pm }

Sorry I’m getting to this so late, Bryan, but I really appreciate your words. Datsa absolutely told us when I had to bid him farewell, and I’m not quite over him but of course you never get over an animal companion you’ve had for so long. Especially one who used to hug me. I love Amy but she’s not really a hugger, she doesn’t like being cuddled or picked up, so my arms feel kind of empty now…

2 Bryan { 08.28.12 at 10:06 pm }

They live on in our memories, Elayne, and we each grieve in our own way at our own pace, so there is no need for an apology as I know that.