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Heard Around The Maypole — Why Now?
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Heard Around The Maypole

This is the tenth anniversary of the Shrubbery prancing around the carrier flight deck so he could proclaim “Mission Accomplished”. This meant he didn’t have any interest in the deaths of thousands of US service members in his war of choice after that point. He chose this date to open his one-book library to the public to begin his agitprop campaign to make everyone forget about all of the things he screwed up, including the economy.

Republicans blocked background checks for all weapons purchases, but now Oklahoma Sen. Jim Inhofe, R-Tulsa, and Rep. Frank Lucas, R-Cheyenne want to pass a bill that would limit Federal ammunition purchases. They apparently believe that the Federal government is violating people’s Second Amendment rights by buying up all the ammunition.

Well, I could be wrong, but I would guess that the ammunition manufacturers have something to do with the shortage, as is not hiring the people they need to meet the demand, which keeps the prices high. The government once manufactured its own ammunition, but Congress privatized the operation.

The Fed Open Market Committee released its minutes today and decided to continue doing what it has been doing for months – supporting the stock and bond markets by buying stuff. The only new bit is a passing reference that ‘fiscal policy’ isn’t helping the economy grow. What they really meant that all of this Federal budget cutting is holding down growth, or “Contractionary Policy Is Contractionary” as Duncan keeps saying. The IMF has also figured this out. Their problem is that Congress is controlled by people who benefit from the deflation, so the Congresscritters aren’t going to change.


1 Badtux { 05.02.13 at 12:20 am }

Ah yes, Mission Accomplished Day, when Dear Former Leader pounced around on an aircraft carrier deck in a flight suit with codpiece. I believe his motto was “Speak incoherently, and wear a big stick.” Teddy Roosevelt he ain’t.

I’m surprised his codpiece wasn’t bronzed alongside the cat and dog and favorite pair of cowboy boots for placement in his “library”…

2 Bryan { 05.02.13 at 12:47 am }

Wearing the parachute harness without releasing the leg straps is a safety hazard because you can’t move quickly in case of emergency. It also chafes.

I thought the crew of the carrier should have gotten a day or two added to their vacation account for waiting out at sea, rather than heading into port at the end of a six-month deployment that had been extended to 11 months.

I have been told that the aircraft he flew in is on display over at NAS Pensacola. Retired admirals are so totally Republican, that they spent foundation money to get it when it was phased out.

Everything was a photo op for the Shrubbery.