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2013 May 06 — Why Now?
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I’m listening to the war mongers going at it again, about we have to do something about Syria.

OK, fine. So whose side are we going to be on – al Qaeda or Iran? Those are the choices right now, and the war mongers might want to take some time to consider their answer.

May 6, 2013   4 Comments

Support Your FBI

You can start by sending them stainless steel colanders because they are absolutely, positively convinced that the Tsarnaev brothers couldn’t have followed written instructions and done what they did without a cast of thousands to show them the way.

They have already arrested Jokhar’s buddies, the Three Stooges, but when that didn’t go anywhere they decided to target Katherine Russell Tsarnaeva. They have nothing to link her to the bombs or the plot, but they are going to harass her because where there’s a Muslim there’s always a conspiracy.

I would point out that the lack of a conspiracy is probably why no one noticed what Tamerlan was up to before the event. Secrets are best kept by one, but sometimes two people can manage. If the Three Stooges had known anything, the world would have known it after a six-pack. If the FBI understood what it was like to work 70 hours/week for months, they wouldn’t have bothered to ask the woman her name.

I wonder if they are going to file conspiracy charges against the FBI people who recruited and trained Abdalla Ahmad Tounisi. They radicalized him, and then arrested him, as they have done many times before. Have they ever considered that their actions are actually illegal and illogical to an outsider. They aren’t acting any differently than al Qaeda recruiters.

[Marcy Wheeler is doing her usual great job on this theater of the absurd.]

May 6, 2013   2 Comments