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2013 May 16 — Why Now?
On-line Opinion Magazine…OK, it's a blog
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Umm, there is no ‘there’ there. Someone needs to intervene with the IRS Inspector General who is definitely living in an alternate reality.

You can read the actual report [PDF] and wonder at the mind that came up with it. The basic complaint of the IG is that you shouldn’t use the name of an organization as an indicator of the purpose of the organization. Apparently if you called your group “Politics-R-Us” that shouldn’t be used as an indicator of what you are doing. It may come as a shock to the IG, but people tend to choose names that do indicate what they are doing.

According to the report, only about a third of of the groups that were checked by the Cincinnati group were associated with the names, and only about 10% of the total applications were sent for review.

It is interesting how often the IG uses ‘election cycles’ as a unit of time. If these aren’t political groups, why would election cycles be important to them? I don’t get the feeling that the IG really understands the purpose of 501(c)(4) groups.

As ‘Noz notes, the IRS Commissioner at the time of these events was Douglas Shulman, a Bush appointee who left in November 2012. Steven Miller, the man Zero forced out, was made acting commissioner after Shulman left. Throwing innocent people under the bus to please the mob it a defining characteristic of the Obama administration.

If they mess with any of the civil service employees involved based on this report, they are going to get their heads handed to them by union attorneys.

May 16, 2013   4 Comments