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Syria?! — Why Now?
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I’m listening to the war mongers going at it again, about we have to do something about Syria.

OK, fine. So whose side are we going to be on – al Qaeda or Iran? Those are the choices right now, and the war mongers might want to take some time to consider their answer.


1 Badtux { 05.07.13 at 12:33 am }

We know whose side the war-mongers want us to be on: Israel’s, of course. Duh.

So the question is, who does Israel support?

2 Bryan { 05.07.13 at 1:46 pm }

Apparently Israel has decided to back al Qaeda, which should make for a ‘fun’ neighbor. Israeli intel has sucked for so long they have no idea what they hit, and now Syria has authorized the use of their air defenses, which is going to make things in their airspace very exciting for everyone.

3 Badtux { 05.07.13 at 7:45 pm }

Well, if you’re a Prime Minister who made his bones by being “tough on niggers” oops sorry Arabs (same mentality as Bull Connor, just in a Middle East context), clearly if you’ve completely cowed the Arabs in your own territories and still need an enemy, the best way to get one is to create one, right?

4 Bryan { 05.07.13 at 9:13 pm }

There is that, and Hezbollah is too dangerous to attack again, so al Qaeda of Syria is probably more his speed.