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Friday Cat Blogging — Why Now?
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Friday Cat Blogging

Cat in the Grass

Friday Cat Blogging

He won’t find me here.

[Editor: Photos of Ms Blue normally require zoom, but she is ‘hiding’ behind some spiderwort which she assumes prevents me from seeing her.]

Friday Ark


1 hipparchia { 05.03.13 at 7:41 pm }

to be fair, she’s almost the same color as the flowers, so it’s logical for her to think that she blends in. and since so many of the cat’s wild ancestors seem to be tabbies, it’s logical for cats to think that they blend in with the grass-like foliage.

not sure if i want to know if her whiskers ever turn pink, though. 😉

i’m jealous of all your spiderworts – i don’t have nearly that many in my yard and they’re one of my favorites. fortunately i have lots of “freeway daisies” which the local bees LOVE so at least i’m contributing to pollinator conservation.

2 Bryan { 05.03.13 at 10:33 pm }

The spiderworts are pure volunteers that I recognized and weed around. I have larger clumps in the backyard when I can stop my landlord’s yard guy from mowing them. The ones in the back are much shorter. I assume its because the ones in front get direct morning sun, while those in the back only get direct sun in the afternoon.

Yeah, the ‘pink whiskers’ is one of the reasons I leave them alone.

All cats seem to believe that all they need is something to break up their outline. Since most animals have minimal if any color vision, it is probably a realistic assumption.

3 oldwhitelady { 05.05.13 at 8:56 pm }

Cute! Luckily you can see color, and can tell there’s a sweet little kitty behind those pretty flowers.

4 Bryan { 05.05.13 at 10:01 pm }

She went to the other side and essentially ignored my presence. I know why, but it is still weird.