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Wildfire Awareness Week — Why Now?
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Wildfire Awareness Week

The first week in May is Wildfire Awareness Week in California. The wildfire season was once an almost exclusively summer event. As a result of climate change, the season now extends from the end of the winter rains until the rains begin again.

The Springs Fire in Ventura County has burned 28,000 acres and several outbuildings, but it is now 75% contained with full containment expected tomorrow.

Many of the contracts that the state has with outside sources, like the DC-10 water tankers, will need to be revised to reflect the new reality.


1 cookie jill { 05.09.13 at 12:52 am }

It’s going to be a long, hot summer. 🙁

2 Bryan { 05.09.13 at 1:14 pm }

That will probable extend well into the Fall.