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The Stupid Is Powerful In These People — Why Now?
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The Stupid Is Powerful In These People

I couldn’t access the ‘Net until the the afternoon because my ISP was down. When I called they made it sound like the problem was just in my area, but it was their entire system.

This is The Phone Company. They require you to have a landline phone to get DSL. They could have robo-called all of their DSL customers to tell us the system was down, but they didn’t. They posted news of the outage on THEIR FACEBOOK PAGE !!!!!!

Here’s a hint, CenturyLink, if your bloody system is down, I can’t access the Internet, so I damn sure can’t read a web site that I didn’t know existed! You’re The Phone Company, so use the over-priced landline you insist we have to tell us about the problem.

Microsoft has finally figured out that people with standard PCs mostly hate Windows 8. They say they are going to create a separate user interface for the desktop market. They might as well save it for Windows 9, because it is too late for 8.


1 hipparchia { 05.22.13 at 1:39 am }

After time in commercial radio, and transceivers in the military and law enforcement, I know I can communicate clearly when I make the effort,

i actually got my (second) start in computer geekery while working with public safety dispatchers. it was fascinating listening to them go from florabama drawl in ordinary conversation to near-peter-jennings deadpan at the flip of a switch when a call came in.

2 Bryan { 05.22.13 at 12:20 pm }

Many people thought someone else was doing the ‘station break’ [call letters frequency and location announcement] when I was working, because it was about an octave lower than my normal ‘radio voice’. In broadcast radio you develop different voices for different formats, i.e. you don’t announce classical like a rock DJ. I generally used the ‘news’ voice on the transceivers.