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Whitebenwaterghazigate — Why Now?
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Juan Cole pretty much nails it in his post, Top Ten Republican Myths on Libya: Reprint edn.; since they don’t change their talking points, why should we change our blog entries?

I’ve been avoiding this, then I heard an All Things Considered interview with Thomas Pickering. Ambassador Pickering is the retired career diplomat who, together with the retired Chairman of the Joint Chiefs, Admiral Mike Mullen, conducted the investigation of Benghazi. He is not a happy camper.

Mr Pickering wants the world to know that he attempted to testify at the current House hearings, but was turned down. In the interview he addresses all of the ‘controversies’ that have come out of the hearing, and rather destroys them. Understand, he is a career diplomat, not a political appointee, and people lost their jobs as a result of his report. The Republicans don’t want him to appear because he would ‘kick their butts’. but in very tempered, diplomatic language.

I still want to know when Chairweasel Issa is going to testify about the decision he and other Republican members of the committee made to cut funding for embassy security prior to the attack. It is impossible to improve security if you don’t have the money to pay for it.


1 hipparchia { 05.12.13 at 1:43 am }

Chairweasel Issa

🙂 have i mentioned lately how much i appreciate your blogging? also, thanks for the links.

2 Badtux { 05.12.13 at 1:50 am }

Well, it’s all moot anyhow, because Rep. Michelle Bachmann (R-Crazy) has the real culprit: God. Chairweasel Issa will be subpoenae’ing this “God” person shortly, though I understand that he may have trouble finding a process server willing to serve the summons…

– Badtux the Snarky Penguin

3 Bryan { 05.12.13 at 12:56 pm }

Sarcasm is just another service we provide, Hipparchia 😉

Gee, there are supposed to be a lot of GOPers who claim to talk to G*d every day. You would think that one of them could mention the subpoena. 😈

Maybe they could have Pat Robertson instead? 👿

4 Badtux { 05.12.13 at 4:01 pm }

But look, Bryan, none of the people you’re talking about are registered process servers in the “Heaven” place where God lives, so how can they serve papers on him? Maybe we could get Jerry Falwell to register as a process server, but a) there’s no guarantee he went to “Heaven” rather than the other place when he died, and b) there’s still the problem of how to get the papers to him :twisted:.

5 Bryan { 05.12.13 at 9:43 pm }

On reflection, I see several problems. How can we be sure the name isn’t an alias? How can we be sure that the witnesses know where the suspect can be found? Given a history of disguises [burning bush, etc.] how does a process server confirm the identity? Given the suspect’s proclaimed omniscience, wouldn’t the creation of a subpoena constitute service?

Maybe they should just type up the papers and wait for a response.

6 Badtux { 05.13.13 at 12:45 am }

I think the Christian Church did something of that sort around 350AD. They’re still waiting for their response, AFAIK :).

7 Bryan { 05.13.13 at 3:44 pm }

They may have done it earlier and John of Patmos might have received the response 😈