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Friday Cat Blogging — Why Now?
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Friday Cat Blogging

Here Comes the Sun

Friday Cat Blogging

What’s he up to?

[Editor: JR is settling down to soak up some ‘rays’ and would just as soon I left the area. He doesn’t dye his hair on purpose, but the oak leaves the cats use as cushions tend to give them a ‘henna rinse’.]

Friday Ark


1 ellroon { 05.17.13 at 10:31 am }

What are YOU up to, making me crick my neck like that? You do hang with the most suspicious of characters, Bryan…

2 Bryan { 05.17.13 at 5:00 pm }

Yeah, well, I might creep up and give them head scratches, or apply anti-flea medication, so they have to be careful 😉