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What Warm & Caring People — Why Now?
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What Warm & Caring People

Oklahoma has two Senators, Thomas Coburn and James Inhofe. They both voted against the aid package for Hurricane Sandy. Coburn said that aid packages have to be offset by cuts in other areas of the budget, and Inhofe said it was filled with extraneous spending for areas he didn’t think were affected by the hurricane [although they were].

This time Coburn says he will again oppose aid without offsets, while Inhofe will vote for it because there won’t be any extra money in the bill.

There is no bill yet, because no one knows the cost of the storm, but the Senators from Oklahoma have made up their minds.

There is no word from the Senators of New York, New Jersey, and Connecticut, as to whether they will be willing to vote for aid to Oklahoma, but I suspect they will because they are neither as ‘politically pure’ as Coburn, nor as brick ignorant as Inhofe.


1 Steve Bates { 05.22.13 at 4:12 pm }

There you go again, Bryan, insulting bricks…

2 Bryan { 05.22.13 at 4:27 pm }

How bright can you be if your life goal is to get mortared or plastered?

3 Badtux { 05.23.13 at 12:45 am }

Congressmen who vote against assistance for their own state are soon to be EX-Congressmen. Though someone told me Coburn is retiring so he doesn’t care anymore.

Regarding people whose life goal is to get mortared or plastered, what do you have against Marines? 😈

4 Bryan { 05.23.13 at 12:16 pm }

Yeah, Coburn is retiring, but I would be interested to see if he returns to Oklahoma, or hangs around the Beltway for some of the big bucks as a lobbyist to supplement his Congressional pension.

I don’t remember being mortared or plastered as “… a consummation devoutly to be wished.” My memory is rather vague about ‘plastered’ but in sharp focus on the aftermath. ‘Mortared’ was definitely not on my bucket list, although it might have been considered the last item. [It’s rather amazing how fast a C-130 can climb on take-off with the proper incentive.] 😉

5 Badtux { 05.23.13 at 10:51 pm }

C-130’s are definitely amazing birds. The new ones have more powerful engines and can climb even faster with proper motivation.

My recollection was that you were Air Force, not USMC. Jarheads are special ;).

6 Bryan { 05.23.13 at 11:51 pm }

Southeast Asia was an equal opportunity war – anyone could be mortared, and landing strips were an open target. I was in the Air Force, but that wasn’t any protection. It did mean I didn’t spend weeks out in the boonies slogging through the mud like the Army and Marines, but I was still a target when I was on the ground. Our ground forces really didn’t have the training or equipment they needed. I tended to be more of a tourist than an inhabitant.

The Hercs were a great bird if there was an emergency. Bailing out was easy and safe and ditching was easy. They had a top hatch, which is what we used for ditching. They had one ditch in the Med, and after 6 weeks they had to sink it because it was still afloat and had drifted into a shipping lane.

7 Badtux { 05.24.13 at 10:42 am }

No no, I wasn’t talking about the actual act of being mortared and plastered, I’m quite aware that mortars are the favored weapons of guerilla armies everywhere due to their portability and that military men everywhere get plastered on those rare occasions where they can do so without risking life or limb. I was talking about desire. Like I said, Marines are special :).

8 Bryan { 05.24.13 at 11:28 am }

Yes, you can definitely classify anyone who would enjoy mortar rounds dropping in their vicinity as ‘special’. ‘Special’ what would require a degree I don’t have to sort out.