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What Did He Know .. — Why Now?
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What Did He Know ..

… and when did he know it?

Susie Madrak covers the latest lie from Chairweasel Issa.

Maybe we need a special prosecutor to find out why he has denied knowing about the IRS ‘problem’ until recently when there is documentary evidence showing he knew about it last year? What’s he covering up? Can he prove he’s a US citizen, and not part of Agenda 21? 😈

Dave Johnson at Seeing the Forest has a long post laying out the facts in the IRS ‘problem’.

Fun facts about the IRS and the income tax:

The IRS was actually created in 1862 by the first Republican President to aid in the collection of the income tax imposed to pay for the Civil War.

The Sixteenth Amendment that created our current version of the income tax was drafted, passed, and sent to the states for ratification by a Republican President [William Howard Taft] and a Republican Congress in 1909.

You would think that people who claim to be Republicans and conservatives would show a little respect for their Party’s ‘accomplishments’.


1 Steve Bates { 05.23.13 at 4:14 pm }

It’s not that GOPers disapprove of taxes. They just believe only people of ordinary means should pay them…

2 Bryan { 05.23.13 at 5:00 pm }

They really are trying to start a French Revolution in the US. That’s where this is going – to the guillotine in the public square. When you don’t give people a path out of starvation, they will revolt.

3 Badtux { 05.23.13 at 10:28 pm }

What really got the French Revolution going was when the nobles refused to pay more taxes and the soldiers’ pay didn’t arrive. Soldiers who aren’t paid tend to no longer be interested in supporting the status quo. The crowd that stormed the Bastille had a number of soldiers who’d deserted the Crown and joined the rebels because the rebels promised they’d be paid with the wealth they intended to sieze from the nobels. Funny how that works. The fact that royal soldiers had deserted and joined the rebels is what makes the storming of the Bastille the true start of the French Revolution, not the fact that there was disorder — there had been disorder before that, but without support from troops, riots were easily broken up. Once the Army broke, though…

The same issue, BTW, is why the Battle of Yorktown was pretty much the end of the British Army in the Americas. The British nobles in the House of Lords continually vetoed tax hikes to pay for the war. To outfit Cornwallis’s expedition, King George III had used up the last of the Crown’s borrowing capacity. Once that expedition collapsed, he couldn’t even meet the interest payments on the national debt, nevermind pay soldiers. The end result was basically that even after Cornwallis surrendered the British still had over 70,000 soldiers on American soil, far more than George Washington and the French combined, but that was pretty much moot. They weren’t getting paid because the Crown was bankrupt, so they stayed in barracks while the peace was negotiated (other than to launch occasional foraging expeditions to heist sufficient chickens, carrots, and potatoes to keep the troops fed) under the principle of “no pay, no fight.”

It would seem to me that the nobility would learn from history that refusing to pay their fair share of taxes and at the same time imposing misery upon the commoners will lead to revolt and loss of, at the very least, valuable properties (think of how powerful the British Empire would have become if they’d retained the current area of the United States!), if not their heads. But they think this time will be different. They always think this time will be different. Bah humbug.

4 Bryan { 05.23.13 at 11:37 pm }

They are already talking about cutting benefits and have increased the medical insurance copays, so people are getting annoyed. The Hedgemony decimated the Guard and Reserve in Iraq and Afghanistan, and I expect there will be a reduction in force after Afghanistan shuts down.

The really are setting themselves up for a mess, and they don’t think it is going to happen.