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Contempt For Congress — Why Now?
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Contempt For Congress

Gallup’s polling on Congressional Approval Rating shows it is stuck in the teens. This sort of makes a contempt of Congress finding worthless, when over 80% of the people have contempt for Congress. People are not going to get too upset about anyone accused of lying to Congress until they see some Congresscritters punished for lying to the people.

The members of both Houses of Congress make a minimum of $174,000 per annum. That’s better than three times the median income of US households. They get health insurance and other benefits on top of that. For that kind of pay I don’t think it is unreasonable to expect them to spend 40 hours per week at their job. I’ll give them Federal holidays and two weeks vacation, but every time you turn around they are ‘in recess’. They spend more time in recess than a kindergarten.

Nothing is getting done, and they aren’t even trying. I would grant them a round trip ticket home every two years, but they seem to be traveling home at taxpayer expense nearly every week. The job is in Washington. If you don’t want to stay in Washington, don’t run for national office.

Contempt for Congress certificates might make some money for someone with some skill with graphics. The market is over 240 million Americans.