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Friday Cat Blogging — Why Now?
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Friday Cat Blogging

Hermit Crab

Friday Cat Blogging

Go away!

[Editor: Hermit is definitely not happy that I discovered where she hangs out.]

Friday Ark


1 hipparchia { 05.24.13 at 9:13 pm }

yep, my stripeycat growls at me whenever i accidentally [or on purpose] discover one of her hiding spots.

2 Bryan { 05.24.13 at 9:43 pm }

Property disappeared into Cat-Space most of the day after I put the flea stuff on the back of her head. When she showed up again she still wasn’t talking to me.

I don’t even look for her anymore when she’s in a snit.

3 hipparchia { 05.25.13 at 12:08 am }

i go around counting noses, or ears, at random intervals. i didn’t used to worry too much about them if i didn’t see some of them for a day or two, but after that one time when i discovered one of them in the air conditioning duct….

4 Bryan { 05.25.13 at 12:15 am }

Koshka used to get on top of the water heater, which wasn’t bad until she slipped down behind it at 3AM and I had to remove it to get her out as she howled her head off.

5 Badtux { 05.26.13 at 12:00 am }

Cat space. Heh. Yeah, I talked about how TMF disappeared into Cat Space last weekend. This weekend, it was Mencken who disappeared into Cat Space. I still have no idea how they can disappear given my general lack of furnishings they can hide inside (everything I own was pretty much bought to be cat-proof)… yet the proof is in the (lack of) pudding. Cat Space. Only explanation.

6 Bryan { 05.26.13 at 12:23 am }

Most of the places I can’t get to, they can’t get to, so it’s Cat Space or a cloaking device.