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Friday Cat Blogging — Why Now?
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Friday Cat Blogging

Busy, Busy

Friday Cat Blogging

Did you want something?

[Editor: Froggie pauses on her hunt for something to chase, to see if I’m doing anything interesting.]

Friday Ark


1 ellroon { 05.31.13 at 9:26 pm }

A half-mast tail? Was it going up or just saying ‘meh’?

Have you ever had a proper body count of all the cats and kittens you feed?

2 Bryan { 05.31.13 at 9:45 pm }

It was straight back to reduce air resistance as she moves.

The group started at over 60 when a neighbor, who has since moved, and I started a trap, neuter, and release program. currently there are under 10 core cats, but there has been a number of strays who are also eating at the feeders after being abandoned by people who can’t afford to care for them any more. The strays tend to show up at night.

Froggie decided to move in with the neighbor who puts his cats on ropes. She was fine with the food and upholstered furniture, but the rope wasn’t going to happen. She goes back in the evening to sleep on his couch.

3 hipparchia { 06.01.13 at 1:53 am }

wow, 60>>>10, that’s excellent. my cousin started a tnr program on the 20 barn cats at the farm and got the population down to 0. at which point a family of skunks moved in, so now the barn cat population has been replenished to some small but nonzero number.

i love that asymmetrical little white stripe on froggie’s face.

4 Bryan { 06.01.13 at 12:01 pm }

You need to maintain the population to maintain a ‘guard force’ that will prevent others from moving into the ‘hunting area’. There are always one or two females who are too smart for traps, so we have kittens, but not many.