Tech Talk
Like everyone else, geeks gossip and spread rumors. Currently at the top of the charts is the disastrous roll-out of the ACA/Obamacare that the media hasn’t really noticed as they are preoccupied with Cruz the Confused and his merry band of whackoes holding their ground against little kids going to Headstart and getting food through WIC.
There seems to be a growing consensus that no one expected the server loads that have been seen, so the capacity just wasn’t there.
People who should know say those who built the system aren’t the worst coders in the world, but they certainly aren’t the best. Apparently the best coders didn’t even put in bids because they didn’t want to support all of the overhead costs of dealing with a government contract, and then waiting for their money.
A big reason new large government IT projects fail is because no one who could actually create what was needed has the deep pockets required to work for the government.
October 11, 2013 5 Comments
Friday Cat Blogging
Hermit in Profile
[Editor: The Hermit is enjoying the heat that was absorbed in the patio blocks while considering failing to catch a squirrel.]
October 11, 2013 4 Comments