Very Surprising
I’m having a hard time believing this piece from CNN: Small plane crashes at big airport; no one notices.
This happened at the Nashville International Airport, which is suppose to have a tower manned 24/7/365, but a Cessna crashes and burns and no one notices until the next morning? Yes, it occurred in the early morning hours and it was foggy, but the aircraft burned!
The plane came down in the median between parallel runways, and those medians tend to be drainage ditches, often with pipe/conduit running across them between the runways.
The pilot died in the crash… unnoticed
October 29, 2013 Comments Off on Very Surprising
Not Surprising
Charlie Pierce, along with a lot of other people are talking about what’s happening in the individual health insurance market.
OK, given the track record of the heath insurance corporations, who didn’t expect them to use the cover of the ACA to screw people over. The individual market has a huge churn every year because it is expensive and there are only a limited number of insurance companies willing to write the policies.
The ACA requires minimum standards for policies, and most individual policies are eliminated by the ‘pre-existing condition’ requirements. They are going to jack up prices if they have to cover pre-existing conditions, so this should not have come as a surprise.
This is one of the many reasons that ‘Medicare for All’ would have been a better choice.
October 29, 2013 Comments Off on Not Surprising
It’s National Cat Day
Deal With It…
October 29, 2013 10 Comments