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Holiday Travel — Why Now?
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Holiday Travel

ICHC cat Magi

This is a prime example of why you should make a list and check it twice when traveling during holidays. Following stars is all well and good, but can you tell the difference between a star, a comet and a meteorite headed directly for you?

This year stay safe and follow the safety protocols. Upgrade your masks and wear them at gatherings if you don’t know the vaccination status of everyone there.


1 hipparchia { 12.22.21 at 5:59 pm }

thank you! this one always makes me happy, and may you have a good (and safe) christmas. we’ll be doing the family christmas zoom thing again this year, thanks to all the covid denialists who are wrecking it for the rest of us. bah humbug.

2 Bryan { 12.23.21 at 4:08 pm }

While masks are better in the cold, I’m tired of feeling smothered every time I go into the public space because of the arrogant schmucks in this area. This could have been over, but TFG felt it was better for his reelection if he played down the threat posed by Covid-19 and lemmings bought his lies.

Have as merry a holiday as you can muster!

3 Anya { 12.24.21 at 8:03 am }

I love this, and I want a huge poster of it. 🙂

4 Bryan { 12.24.21 at 5:23 pm }

Alas, that’s as big as I have it, and Cheezeburger totally revamped its site, so I can’t find it in their archives. It does get me into the spirit. С Рождеством, Аня.