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2023 April 05 — Why Now?
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Chag Pesach Sameach חג פסח שמח

Sundown today marks the beginning of Pesach [Passover]. The story is found in the Book of Exodus. Rather more relevant now after a pandemic (which isn’t over) and ongoing wars.

This is a time of Matzah [unleavened bread], Marror [bitter herbs], wine and the retelling of the story of founding of Israel.

You can, of course, just pop in a DVD of The Ten Commandments, Cecil B. DeMille’s version.

At its core this is a story of immigration and anyone claiming to be a Christian or Jew should pay attention – it’s on the FINAL EXAM.

April 5, 2023   Comments Off on Chag Pesach Sameach חג פסח שמח