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Holy Pasta Week — Why Now?
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Holy Pasta Week

Flying Spaghetti Monster

The Day of His Noodly Appendage

The holiest of holidays for Pastafarians, is of course the birthday of His Most Holy Prophet, Marco Polo (b. Sept 15, 1254), who brought the word of his Noodly Appendage back from the East. As Talk Like A Pirate Day falls on September 19th, this five-day period constitutes Holy Pasta Week, during which spaghetti is consumed liberally. With a nice Chianti until the last day when it’s grog for all.

[My apologies to Pastafarians for being late with this, but the new computer is not cooperating.]


1 ellroon { 09.16.11 at 11:21 pm }

Ramen! (Apparently your comment program wants longer comments so I will submit a Gregorian chant of pasta)

Rigatoni, linguine, manicotti, lasagna, vermicelli, spaghetti….

2 Bryan { 09.17.11 at 12:01 am }

Hipparchia figured out exactly how many characters are required. It was a change I didn’t vote for, I assure you.

May all your cannelloni be stuffed…

3 hipparchia { 09.17.11 at 2:05 pm }


4 hipparchia { 09.17.11 at 2:10 pm }

15 characters seems to be the minimum.

one way to post very short answers, ie a single smiley or one-word replies such as ramen! is to make them into links or add bold and/or italic and/or underline and/or [fill in the blank with your favorite] html tags.

5 hipparchia { 09.17.11 at 2:10 pm }


6 hipparchia { 09.17.11 at 2:12 pm }

gregorian psta chants are also excellent 😉

7 Bryan { 09.17.11 at 4:42 pm }

And so it was written that if thou wouldst comment the number of characters must be greater than 14, for fewer are not considered a proper expression of the willingness to comment.

8 hipparchia { 09.17.11 at 10:47 pm }

012345 78901234

9 hipparchia { 09.17.11 at 10:50 pm }

012345 8901234

10 hipparchia { 09.17.11 at 10:58 pm }

cool! spaces in the middle of the comment, eg 2 short words, each count as one character, but —

– leading or trailing spaces do not count; the software trims out the ‘extra’ spaces [iirc this is endemic to html], and apparently it does this to leading or trailing spaces before passing a comment through the spam filter, and

– two spaces in the middle of the comment counts as two characters for passing through the filter, even though the software then trims out the extra space before the comment is posted.

apologies for filling up your comment feed with mostly spurious comments, but that’s sometimes the nature of experimenting – you get spurious results. 😀

11 Bryan { 09.17.11 at 11:26 pm }

I would have to log out and comment as someone else to do any testing because they allow me to do anything as the administrator. That is a pain in the neck, because it means I can’t see the changes that affect other people.

I’ll put something up on the sidebar to inform people.

12 cookiejill { 09.18.11 at 12:36 pm }

RAMEN! Oh…dear…how could I have forgotten…1,000 lashes with a wet noodle for me. Arrrrhhhghh.

13 Bryan { 09.18.11 at 12:56 pm }

You should save the “Arrrrhhhghh” for tomorrow 😉