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Reality Czech — Why Now?
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Reality Czech

I’m beginning to think the White House does this as part of a concerted effort to destroy the computers of the educated in the US by having the owners spew whatever liquid they have in their mouths all over said computers when hearing the latest speech by Bush.

Today in Bratislava Bush told a crowd that Slovakia was the model for Iraq based on its transformation following the fall of the Soviet bloc.

I would wonder if anyone realizes that he has just said that Iraq should break up into separate countries based on ethnicity, because that’s what happened to the former country of Czechoslovakia following the Communist’s collapse in Eastern Europe.

One would assume that in an administration clogged with Cold-warriors at least one person might have been aware of this detail and mentioned it. Americans may not remember these annoying little facts, but the Europeans do, and now they are going to be wasting time trying to figure out if this signaled an American acceptance of the partition of Iraq.