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Camouflage — Why Now?
On-line Opinion Magazine…OK, it's a blog
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What a Human sees

Tinker Bell

What a Mouse sees

Tinker Bell


1 hipparchia { 05.04.13 at 11:57 pm }

that’s one good-looking cat, even in mouse-view. is s/he one of your locals?

2 Bryan { 05.05.13 at 12:24 am }

Tinker Bell was one of the locals who lived across the street from my current house. The woman who lived there was the one who got me into the TNR program. Tink was one of the Maine Coon strain that produced long-haired cats in the old days. She was actually a small cat, and a very efficient hunter. That picture was taken at least 8 years ago, but it is a good one for the Camo effect of gray scale.

3 oldwhitelady { 05.05.13 at 8:55 pm }

Wow! That’s a beauty! I love the color picture. How interesting. No wonder cats stay so still, or creep so slowly. They blend, so only their movement (and probably smell) gives them away.

4 Bryan { 05.05.13 at 9:59 pm }

Most animals react faster to change than humans, but they have a more highly developed sense of smell and hearing that compensate for the lack of color vision. In low light situations, like dawn and dusk, even humans have limited color vision. When attacking all a small animal would see of the cat is the face. Cats crouch and lay down their ears to reduce their attack profile.