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2018 October 23 — Why Now?
On-line Opinion Magazine…OK, it's a blog
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The BBC notes that Fake news follows migrant caravan’s journey north. At Crooks & Liars, former Republican Congresscritter from Florida, David Jolly, is a bit more direct: Trump Is Just Lying.

My Congresscritter, Matt Gaetz, lied about George Soros paying people to join the Caravan, and a member of Trump’s Sturmabteilung decided to send Mr. Soros a letter bomb. If you actually look at the facts, Islamic terrorists are bit players when compared to right-wing extremists in the US.

The Caravans are a regularly occurring event that have a lot in common with the wagon trains of the Old West – people traveling together for safety. The one big difference is that the people who make up the Caravans tend to be Native Americans, not immigrants, as were found in the Old West version, or in the White House. The indigenous peoples of Central America tend to be held down to the bottom rungs of society.

Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi claims that the fact that people brought their children with them proves they are up to no good. Pam Bondi’s claim to fame when running for Attorney General was the prosecution of … puppy mills. That was her big accomplishment … I’m not kidding.

October 23, 2018   5 Comments