I Don’t Forgive Or Forget
Anyone dropping by should know this because it may color something that I write. Governments that have attacked me, or my associates in the reconnaissance business, while we were engaged in non-hostile activities in or over international waters will never be my friends.
I have no problem with those involved in the unpleasantness in Southeast Asia, because we were doing our jobs and it wasn’t personal. It was a war and you are required to be hostile to the “enemy”.
The governments of North Korea, China, Israel, and Libya were not at war with the United States at the time of the attacks and I see no reason to excuse them for their actions. The aircraft and vessels were clearly marked, were outside their territorial waters, and they chose to attack.
Many are probably unaware of the majority of these attacks, but I lost friends or was severely inconvenienced by evasive maneuvers, so I don’t intend to forget or forgive, no matter what my government decides to do.