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Passing the Plate — Why Now?
On-line Opinion Magazine…OK, it's a blog
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Passing the Plate

Florida License Plates

Florida Plate Blogging


Standard Florida Plate

A weekend feature of Why Now.


1 Badtux { 02.25.07 at 12:38 am }

Is this the “Sarcasm Day” plate? Given that Florida rates near the bottom in every category of investing in children… hmm.

2 Karen { 02.25.07 at 10:16 am }

Invest in Children — Oh, I DO…I DO! Costly little beggars they are TOO! *smile* Gonna get WORSE before it gets better…College looms! 🙂

3 ellroon { 02.25.07 at 1:30 pm }

Apparently investing in children means sending them to work in the palm groves. And is the little child sitting going to get beaned by a coconut or is he refusing to assist the other two in getting food? Why are they on an island?

Why does picking coconuts on a sinking island with no housing and no parental supervision indicate investment of the future? Why didn’t they show books and other icons of education? …. I’m so confused.

4 cookiejill { 02.25.07 at 2:37 pm }

Why are the children stranded on an island?

5 Bryan { 02.25.07 at 3:01 pm }

If y’all had clicked on the “Beneficiary” link you would have seen it goes to the Florida Department of Juvenile Justice, an agency of the state of Florida. Just are schools get a major portion of their funding from the state lottery, the juvenile justice system get funded by vanity license plates.

And people think the property tax system is screwed up, the entire non-system for funding public services in the state are screwed up.

Those kids are safer on an island than in one of the “boot camps” that were finally closed after another death.

6 Mustang Bobby { 02.25.07 at 7:34 pm }

“Invest in Children?” Are they kidding? As Fran Liebowitz once noted, “Children are rarely in a position to lend you an interesting sum of money.”

But seriously folks… Bryan nails it. We suck here in Florida in terms of child care, including Jeb Bush appointing a Christofascist who believed corporal punishment was the Hand of God as the head of the Department of Children and Families.
