About Time
On MSNBC: Lawsuit a glimpse into ‘worst’ of the Web
The Internet provider called itself Triple Fiber Network – or 3FN.net — and claimed to be based in Oregon while operating servers “in the heart of Silicon Valley.” But the Federal Trade Commission alleges that 3FN — also known as Pricewert LLC and APS Telecom — was really controlled by criminals in the Ukraine and Estonia, and was the “worst ISP located in the United States in terms of hosting malicious content.”
The FTC obtained a temporary restraining order on Wednesday from a federal judge in the Northern District of California that shut down the service and possibly thousands of Web sites. FTC staff attorney Ethan Arenson said it was the first time the agency had ever shut down an ISP.
Technically, this is a hosting site, not an ISP, but it has been a major PITA for me personally, as much of the garbage I delete comes from their server farm, based on IP lookups. Of course, they will simply move their operation somewhere else, and if they move it to a Republican area, they will get tax breaks and grants to “start a new business and create local jobs”, so it is only temporary relief.