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Friday Cat Blogging — Why Now?
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Friday Cat Blogging

The Big Table

Friday Cat Blogging

Nom Nom — nom nom

[Editor: The 106° heat index Thursday reduced the appetites of the adults, so KT3 and KT4 get to eat all they want with none on the big cats around.]

Friday Ark


1 jams O'Donnell { 06.19.09 at 2:31 am }

KT3 and KT4 must have thought it was Christmas!
.-= ´s last blog ..Shirin Ebadi says VOID THE ELECTION =-.

2 cookie jill { 06.19.09 at 3:09 am }

you mean Big Pile of Food on Big Plate
.-= ´s last blog ..Whole Foods Market plus iPhone =-.

3 Bryan { 06.19.09 at 11:09 am }

On Christmas it would have been turkey, while last night mackerel was the protein in the rice-oil-vitamin base, Jams, although neither is old enough to have had Christmas dinner yet. KT4 has only recently lost her “kitten privileges”, so she was thrilled to be again allowed free access.

That’s one of the two plates I put out of “wet” food every night, Jill, but junior members of the “pride” are usually not able to get the larger chunks of the protein they contain.

4 Lab Kat { 06.19.09 at 4:50 pm }

How does a kitten lose her privileges? 🙂
.-= ´s last blog ..In which the Universe fell on itself =-.

5 Bryan { 06.19.09 at 5:37 pm }

Up to a certain size the adults back off and let the kitten eat, but there comes a time when the adults decide they are going to make it, so, instead of free rein, they get a set of claws applied to the top of their heads informing them they will have to wait.

The kitten’s mother or the alpha female will usually decide when enough is enough.

KT4 has only recently encountered this change.