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The West Is Accused Of Reporting By Iran — Why Now?
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The West Is Accused Of Reporting By Iran

CNN tells us that Iran slams ‘meddling West’ over election

TEHRAN, Iran (CNN) — Iran stepped up allegations Monday against the West of “meddling” in its disputed presidential election even as its election authority reportedly acknowledged that the number of ballots cast in dozens of cities exceeded the number of eligible voters in those areas.

Speaking to reporters, Foreign Ministry spokesman Hasan Qashqavi alleged that foreign media organizations, such as CNN and the BBC, were mouthpieces of their respective governments that were exaggerating reports of police clashes with protesters who have demonstrated daily since the June 12 race.

He also said that government-run news sites, such as the Iranian Student’s News Agency, had been hacked in recent days and implied foreign outlets were behind it.

“Isn’t it a cyber war of the media with an independent government?” Qashqavi said. “They ask people to use the DOS (denial of service) system to hack our Web sites.”

Yo, dude, major geek cred fail – a DOS is not a hack. A hack would be if the content of the site were altered by inserting LOLcat pictures for the President and Supreme Leader of Iran. Find a better hosting service.

Get real, “if it bleeds, it leads”. Stop beating and shooting people and the media will go away. “The first step to recovery is admitting you have a problem.”


1 Comrade Kevin { 06.22.09 at 6:24 pm }

I’m afraid I just can’t suspend my disbelief here, Iran.
.-= ´s last blog ..The Price of Perfect Skin =-.

2 cookie jill { 06.22.09 at 7:12 pm }

I like the LOLcat picture idea.
.-= ´s last blog ..A 16 year old =-.

3 Bryan { 06.22.09 at 8:01 pm }

No one is taking the reporting from anyone without skepticism because the Iranian authorities refuse to allow reporters into the country. That’s why Iran has a PR problem, not the media. “It’s not the crime, it’s the cover-up” is a very old political maxim that no one in Iran’s government knows.

That, Jill, would definitely prove that the US was involved in the “cyber war”.