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Too Bad The US Can’t Protest This — Why Now?
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Too Bad The US Can’t Protest This

The BBC reports on the Gitmo military tribunals Iranian show trials: Torture claim against Iran trial

Defeated Iranian presidential candidate Mir Hossein Mousavi says opposition detainees put on trial have been subjected to “medieval torture”.

He denounced the trials, which started on Saturday, as fraudulent and said the prisoners had been forced to confess.

Earlier, ex-President Mohammad Khatami said the hearings were “show trials” that would harm the establishment.

There is no significance difference between what the Iranians are doing in Tehran, and what the US is continuing to do in Guantanamo. Coerced testimony is no better in English than it is in Farsi.


1 Kryten42 { 08.02.09 at 9:09 pm }

It’s only to be expected, and I expect this kind of thing will become more prevalent now that the USA has legitimized this and other illegitimate techniques and procedures.

I suspect that when the various quotes about ‘leading by example’ were penned in many famous documents, including the Bible, this isn’t the example that was intended. I wonder whatever happened to that ‘moral high ground’ that people used to be proud of (not that it ever truly existed, but it used to at least appear to exist).

What’s curious to me however, is that the Iranian people seem to be more capable of taking a stand, even at the very real risk to their own lives, than American’s are. Though, in fairness, if the people of the USA had been forced to endure a harsh dictatorship, rather than the *soft* media-driven dictatorship of the past 8 years, perhaps things would be different. 🙂

Maybe the Iranians will be the ones to *lead by example*. I do love irony! 😉

2 Bryan { 08.02.09 at 9:55 pm }

Well the elections do not seem to be much good as a process to change what the government is doing. The promises are all there, but nothing happens.

Maybe it’s time to dust off the Declaration of Independence and reissue it. I sure has hell didn’t ever vote for torture, a suspension of habeas corpus, bailing out corporations, or any of the rest of this crap that seems to take up all of the government’s time and tax money.

The US has no standing to complain about anyone else until we clean up our own act and start obeying our own laws.