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Inconsistency — Why Now?
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So I’m trying to drum up some enthusiasm for Medicare-for-All and I keep running into the same stupidity. If you are local and got into Jeff Miller’s [the local Congresscritter] conference call, you heard it.

You have people who are on Medicare saying they don’t want “the government” involved in making medical decisions, because medical decisions shouldn’t be made by “government bureaucrats”, and ignoring the inconsistency in that statement, they go on to say that government programs shouldn’t pay for abortions.

The last time I checked, abortion was a medical procedure, and doctors and patients should be making those decisions, not Congress.

So, I have learned that people don’t seem to understand that Medicare is a government health insurance program, and that bureaucrats shouldn’t be involved in making medical decisions, unless some people don’t like the decision that some people might make.

The justification for the abortion ban is that people shouldn’t have to pay for procedures they are opposed to. Excuse me, but I don’t approve of abstinence only sex education, the Office of Faith-based initiatives, the Osprey, and a lot of other things, but somehow I didn’t get to make that choice. This is an insurance policy, just like auto insurance. I pay my premiums but don’t get to say I don’t want the company to insure gas-guzzling SUVs, even though some of the money I pay may be used to fix them after rollovers.


1 cookie jill { 08.04.09 at 11:12 am }

The Democrats aren’t doing themselves any favors by not running an informative campaign on healthcare. They are just letting the Rethugs set the memes.

I would LOVE to have them run ads on Insurance bureaucrats denying (and thusly killing needlessly) healthcare because it would cut into their WallStreet profit reporting. Of course, the Dems won’t do that because they are feeding at the same financial trough.

The United States of America/Democracy….lovely, lofty ideals to which we once perscribed.

The sad reality…The United States of Corporations/Lobbyocracy.
.-= last blog ..Happy Birthday, Mr. President! =-.

2 Bryan { 08.04.09 at 11:48 am }

There is a lot going on in support of health care reform, but the media is ignoring it because the organized mobs on the other side are part of the conventional Village message.

The teabagger were over covered, the pro Iraq War demonstrations were over covered. No one is aware of the anti-war marches and demonstrations, because the media refuses to report on them. If you weren’t there, they don’t exist.

3 hipparchia { 08.04.09 at 7:36 pm }

i missed the conference call, but have you seen the blog?

4 Bryan { 08.04.09 at 8:33 pm }

I hadn’t seen the blog, thank Bob, I hope to never see it again.

Tort reform?! Tax incentives?! What a maroon!

But you already knew that.

5 hipparchia { 08.04.09 at 8:55 pm }

yep, i knew that and so did you, but far be it from me to pass up the chance to point to it. 🙂
.-= last blog ..Dominoes 1 =-.

6 Bryan { 08.04.09 at 9:11 pm }

I think he’s getting ready to fill in when Scarborough is on vacation or Glen Beck is tired.