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Short Hits — Why Now?
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Short Hits

Happy Birthday to Helen Thomas, who is 89 today. Ms Thomas is one of a dying breed, a reporter who actually asks real questions and calls out lies.

Someone else, who might have been born in Louisiana, could also have a birthday today, but you can’t be sure. [How do they reconcile this controversy with the claim that life begins at conception?]

Who you gonna call? The Big Dog if you need something done. Bill Clinton dropped by North Korea, and the two correspondents of Current TV are pardoned. The process is known as diplomacy, but the Republicans will complain that he only got sent because of his wife. [hint: Plame] Of course, it might be that Bill used the same procedure during his administration and asked Jimmy Carter to stop by North Korea, which was also a success.


1 cookie jill { 08.04.09 at 5:35 pm }

The Big Dog can charm the pants or (in this case) the pantsuit off of anyone. Although that visual is not too pleasant.

Guess he owed Al Gore.

2 Bryan { 08.04.09 at 7:25 pm }

It’s nice to see the current administration going along with something that worked.

If we could just get them to review the policies of FDR and the tactics of LBJ we might finally get on the road to recovery.