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Whiskey Tango Foxtrot, Over — Why Now?
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Whiskey Tango Foxtrot, Over

The last two days a number of people have noted how slow the ‘Net seems to be. Part of the problem might be the recent spike in comment spamming. I’ve been deleting hundreds of them recently which is transparent to readers but a PITA.

This crap burns up bandwidth for no purpose, as they won’t get a link.

If you have a comment go missing, you may have used one of “bad words” which are generally pharmaceuticals, or a perverse Japanese cartoon form. I normally check for spam errors, but the last two days there have been dozens of pages of this crap, so I just hit the delete all button.

Sorry if you got caught in this mess, but life is too short to even scan this drivel.


1 SSG { 08.04.09 at 8:07 pm }

Try this plugin. Works in the background, doesn’t interfere with anything else, no configuration needed and no more spam!

I’ve thought the ‘Net is a bit slow, lately, myself. Glad I’m not imagining things. 🙂

2 Bryan { 08.04.09 at 8:35 pm }

Now that I’ve given up trying to scan them, it takes a minimum amount of time to just hit the delete button periodically. I try to keep the plug-ins to a minimum, but thanks for the suggestion.