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BC Fire Status Report — Why Now?
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BC Fire Status Report

FireSome good news for Lilooet. The fire crews took advantage of favorable conditions on Tuesday to light backfires and clear the fuel away between the Mount McLean fire and the town which has created a large fire break. The fire is still classified as uncontained.

The Terrace Mountain fire was 90% contained until high winds blew it beyond a fire break, threatening local communities, so the battle continues as they wait for improving weather conditions.

The BC Fire Map shows more new fires caused by lightning strikes in the tinder-dry forests.


1 cookie jill { 08.06.09 at 3:51 pm }

When the Santa Ana’s come, everyone’s on edge in SoCal. Here in Santa Bar-B-Que, we get “sundowners”, high gusts of winds that come down off the mountains and blow fires right into town.

Winds + Fire = No Bueno.
.-= last blog ..Viva la Fiesta! =-.

2 Bryan { 08.06.09 at 4:04 pm }

After a decade in San Diego I know what you mean. A smoky grill can spur a lot of hard feelings during a Santa Ana, because everyone is on edge for smoke or the smell of smoke, paranoia increasing as the distance to the nearest canyon decreases.